My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell
Read and play with your very own pop-up pony. We think this combo is just magical. The perfect story and a beautiful model pony to play with, plus bonus pages with puzzles, quizzes and activities. Will the fun ever end? Twilight Sparkle has been crowned Princess of the Crystal Empire. Now she wants to learn how to be a good leader. So she sets off on a quest to discover the Crystal Heart Spell. This magical spell will help her follow her heart, no matter what.
Recent reviews
OMC!!! (Oh by the way that means ‘Oh My Celestia’) This book is awesome for any MLP fans it really relates to the series and it’s got a really good story line. I must say you don’t hear much from Applejack but it’s still an amazing book and I’d recommend to any MLP fans
17 March 2015