We’ve Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March
We’ve Got a Job tells the inspirational true story of the 4,000 black elementary, middle and high school students who voluntarily went to jail in 1963, in the name of civil rights. The children succeeded where adults had failed, ending segregation in Birmingham, Alabama – one of the most racially divided cities in America. This incredible book focuses on four of the original participants to tell the story of the Children’s March and the world-changing events that followed it. It includes extensive interviews with the four students (one of whom was only nine years old at the time of his arrest), plus quotes, a timeline and plenty of black and white photos.
One of the Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2012.
“Even with the many fine books out there about the role of young people in the Civil Rights era, this highly readable photo-essay will hold YA readers.” Booklist
“The author takes her inspiring tale of courage… through the ensuing riots and the electrifying September bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.” Kirkus