All reviews for War Horse
I’m reading war horse at the moment, and so far it’s probably the best book i’ve ever read! But judging by the title, I have a feeling it’s going to be quite sad.
1 March 2011
this book is super brelliant and intresting out of all the books i read i am going to buy this book and read more its so good its got all the stuff i like.
27 November 2010
I have not read this book yet but I am getting it. I bet it is good. If it is about war I’m in. I love learnig about.even thoghe it is really bad war. I think this book will get 10/10 for me!
23 November 2010
This book is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 November 2010
Hi, This is a sad but fasinating book. From KIm
8 February 2010
one of my top 5 books really sad and touching.
19 May 2009
this was the most heartbreaking story i have ever read
21 April 2009
25 April 2008
This is such a good book!
1 March 2008