All reviews for Jacky Daydream

  1. loved it

    this was a fantastic book and I really enjoyed it. It shows you that her mind was ful of imaganation from the minite she was born.

    21 June 2009

  2. not for me

    Most of you liked the book, Jacky Daydream and rated it 5 stars well this book wasnt for me, it just wasnt my cup of tea. I found it pretty boring and I couldnt get into it but I read it because it cost me £8.00. I baught it because all my friends had it! I’m going to read Jackys new book, my secret diary to see what it’s like! Let’s hope it good.

    28 April 2009

  3. loved it

    jacky daydream is amazing. it’s all about jacqueline wilsons childhood. who would have thought that jacqueline played with paper dolls like April in Dustbin Baby. the reason why i love the book is because i’m so fond of jacqueline wilson.if u are a fan this book was made for you!

    14 April 2009

  4. liked it

    at first i found this book hard to read but eventually i enjoyed it. i am currently half way through it.

    6 March 2009

  5. loved it

    This was a great book 5 stars.I have read it twice.I hope Jacqueline Wilson writes about her teenage years too!

    4 March 2009

  6. loved it

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!!! I’m a huge Jacky fan and I loved learning about her childhood. Who would have ever thought she would grow up to be so successful?!

    23 December 2008

  7. i love reading about mandy miller (who was jaquline wilsons childhood hero) and about the long walk she took in Richmond park on a school trip with her Teacher boy that headmaster must of been angry. I feel as if i know jacky and she is my childhood hero just as mandy miller was hers

    10 November 2008

  8. loved it

    This book is really cool because it tells you all about Jacqueline’s childhoodm and I cannot wait to read My Secret Diary to find out about her teenage years

    25 October 2008

  9. This book is amazing! JW used to be my first fave authour but now I am still a fan, but I think Terry Pratchett, Enid Blyton, Karen Mc Combie etc. are all much better authours. But I do recommend it!!!! It is for all JW fans!!!!!!


    Wish i was takenxxx

    formely known as Taken

    4 October 2008

  10. loved it

    this book is all about jaculine wilson. it is ace so youbetter read it by someone you know

    28 September 2008