All reviews for Vicky Angel
It was a sad and touching story of friendship. I liked it but it was really sad. You should read this book.
16 July 2009
It was great it was sad but great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 June 2009
this was ok but i couldn’t read it all because it was so sad for me! :( look at the sad face
6 June 2009
Really good – but quite sad! I felt really sorry for Jade! But I thought it was great! Jacquline is awsome!!
13 November 2008
It was really dramatic…[spoiler]. I was so glad when Jade got therapy. It was a really good read.
8 September 2008
I loved this book it was really sad.
i would totaly read this book again.
31 August 2008
Jade and Vicky are best friends. Vicky is the bossyboots and Jade just does what Vicky says for her to do. Jade’s biggest wish is to join the drama club and grow up to be a actress but Vicky holds her back she always has to be the best. Vicky died and Jade was broken no one was there to tell her what to do untill she comes back as a ghost and suddenly is meaner than before. Jade finds herself yelling mean words that she doesn’t want to say and is losing the only friend she has. in school her principal gave her consilling and she learned how she could stop Vicky from taking over her life completely. read the book if you want the details!
11 April 2008
It is great. When Vicky dies it gets reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 February 2008