The Spook's Nightmare

“I stood there, terrified. My master was about to die.”

The County is facing dark days. But, for the Spook, it is the nights that are darkest. Having always stood against evil, he is now haunted by vivid, terrifying dreams. Dreams that seem more like premonitions… With his precious library burned to the ground and his arch rival, Bony Lizzie, free again, things are falling apart. As nightmares turn real, are the Spook’s powers waning just when he needs them most? Will Tom, the Spook’s apprentice, have to face the dark alone?

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  • kind of scary but not quite sure why but I still love it.

    9 March 2013

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  • Awards

    Joseph Delaney won the 2006 Hampshire Book Award for The Spook’s Apprentice.

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