All reviews for Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

  1. loved it

    The whole Wimpy Kid series is hilarious, and this particular episode is no exeption. I always look forward to a new Wimpy Kid book being released, and I was thrilled to recieve the Cabin Fever book for Christmas. I couldn’t stop reading it and had finished it before Christmas dinner! Daisy :)

    6 February 2012

  2. i love it its so good

    3 February 2012

  3. loved it

    This book is brilliant. I read the whole series and couldn’t wait for what gregs next adventure would be. I highly recommend it to anyone as it is such a funny, entertaining book.

    31 January 2012

  4. liked it

    unlike many books,that get boring and un-origianl all the books in the series have been funny,fresh and fabulous! a great book

    29 January 2012

  5. loved it

    I thought it was hilarious like when he was picking his nose in front of santa and Manny having all the power.Great book I love and have the whole series so far.

    22 January 2012

  6. had this book on christmas read it the frist day its good but boring if you know what i mean my best one is the yellow one yeah that is the best if you have just seen it and have never read the others you want get it so read the others then get to this book ill rate it a 4

    20 January 2012

  7. loved it

    It was a great book it really was i love greg as in fancy him

    19 January 2012

  8. loved it

    I taught this book was exciting and fun to read.I loved it and would give it 5 stars hope you enjoy it to

    15 January 2012

  9. loved it

    best book ever!

    15 January 2012

  10. This book is about a boy going to from primary to middle school and what he finds out about middle school along the way.

    As soon as I had read the first page, I was laughing out loud, and I just laughed until the end of the book. One really funny part was when he said “This year I am only accepting store bought presents, because last year I got this lovely blanket from Mom which I wore all day – then I looked in the photo album and saw that my great uncle died in it” So, he gave it to his brother Roderick for his birthday!!

    Another part of the book that really made me laugh was when he put neon green posters on the school wall and it rained heavily, so when he took down the posters the neon colour had stained the school walls – so he demanded that nobody answered the door just in case the police had come to fetch him for vandalism.

    This book would appeal to eight years and over – up to any age. Even my parents and grandparents laughed out loud when they read parts of this book.

    A good book to read if you are feeling sad as it will cheer you up. Also a good book to read when friends stay over to laugh together. It is a good book to read out loud for everyone to enjoy.

    Charlotte, age 9

    9 January 2012