All reviews for The Worst Thing About My Sister (Hardback)
i am not far into this book and i am loving it i would say children from the age of 10 should read this because it get upseting what happens. read it to find out whay happens
29 April 2012
I loved this book. It was very interesting and kept me hooked from the very beginning. Icould not put the book down!
21 April 2012
Loved It!! Best book ever!!! Worth reading!!!!!
12 April 2012
!!!OMG!!! What the ???? This book was amazing !! I loved it, it was great. I really enjoyed it, it was fun, exciting and interesting.
It had a very reliable moral.
It is the BEST book ever.
2 April 2012
I love this book i especially like the ending
27 March 2012
this is a really really gud book!!!
25 March 2012
I really want to read this.
18 March 2012
If I was in it, it would be called the wourst thing about my brother. Really Good!
7 March 2012
cant wait to read
6 March 2012
I think it is great!
4 March 2012