All reviews for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

  1. I think this is one of the best books ever written! It’s so beautiful and fun to read. It feels like Narnia is a real place :) I really recommend this, and all the other Narnia books.

    4 March 2013

  2. loved it

    It’s an awesome book! I was stuck to the book when I was reading it!

    11 December 2012

  3. liked it

    I think it was very exciting and I think its like a wonder land story to me aswell T have been learning about the war at school. ITS AMAZING.

    17 November 2012

  4. I love this book. It is very sad though . I loved mr Tumnus and the beavers are very cute. I love Turkish Delight too so I understood about the choice made towards the end! A very good book – I’d definitely recommend it!

    7 March 2012

  5. This book is really good but I don’t think lucy should go off with mr tumnus. because like he was going to he could have actuly kidnapped her.

    5 March 2012

  6. okay

    I read the start of this book and I read the 1st one but its a little slow for me cause like the first one they don’t even find Narnia till the 9th chapter and there is only like 12 chapters so not realy my kinda book

    7 January 2012

  7. loved it


    6 January 2012

  8. loved it

    This book is absolutely amazing it is a favourite on my bookshelf!

    19 December 2011

  9. This book is amazing. It starts in the war, where Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susie go to live with an old Profesor. Rain, rain more rain then a game of hide and seek that changes everybody’s lives. Here is the worst part of my review- You have to read it yourself to see what happens next!

    4 December 2011

  10. loved it

    Loads better than the film! Lots more description that paints a picture for you that makes you feel like your there.

    3 March 2011