My Best Friend and Other Enemies
When Jessica’s best friend goes off with the new girl, Natalie, Jessica is hurt, but determined not to take it lying down. She has a plan… and what’s more, a secret weapon: her felt tips! The pen is mightier than the sword, after all – and much funnier too! And as Jessica launches her written revenge plan, soon her sparkling sense of humour is winning her far more friends than she loses… A funny and wise story of friendship and new beginnings, which will touch a nerve with every reader.
Recent reviews
This is an amazing book! I picked this up randomly from the library not knowing how AMAZING and true it is! Jessica is trying to get her friend Natalie to be friends with her after new girl Amelia steals her. Don’t worry it gets better at the end!😊
3 February 2019
i like the book it fun to red interesting book it just amazing just the best book i have ever red :) :) :) :) :) :) :) This book was really funny. I found the illustrations in this book hilarious. Jessica is an enthusiastic cartoonist who can’t stand Amelia (her enemy) as she is trying to steal her best friend who is called Nat. Jessica has to learn to become friends with other people but nobody is the same as nat. Will she and Nat ever truly be best friends again? Find out….. I recommend this book for all ages!
26 July 2014
This book was really funny. I found the illustrations in this book hilarious. Jessica is an enthusiastic cartoonist who can’t stand Amelia (her enemy) as she is trying to steal her best friend who is called Nat. Jessica has to learn to become friends with other people but nobody is the same as nat. Will she and Nat ever truly be best friends again? Find out….. I recommend this book for all ages!
8 March 2014
Jessica and Natilie used to be best friends. Then a new girl started their class and Natilie became good friends with Amelia and Natilie completly ignored Jessica. There was two gangs. CAC and ACE. Jessica has a brother called Ryan and a sister called Tammy.
5 March 2014
It’s really good , it’s a bit sad because it’s so true! I think most people have met someone like Amelia! These are a 100% must- read 5/5 stars
19 February 2014