Pony Pals: Detective Pony
In the middle of the night, Anna hears Acorn whinnying in the Crandal paddock. Dr Crandal’s animal clinic is on fire! All the animals are in danger! The Pony Pals manage to get the animals out, but one little cat called Shadow is missing. Where is he? Has he been hurt? Can Acorn help the friends to track the cat down before it’s too late?
Recent reviews
k liek this is THE BEST BOOK IVE EFUR READ so like my bff (i mean not as big as my bfzy but like w/e) showed me this and liek i was al “this book is an EPIC FALI” then i was like tatolly redding it some more and (fyi i dont normlly read books i just go online and be an TOTAL MEGA HAXXOR but not realy) i was so moeved by the disperenece (diseperence* i think is hwo u spel it) of TEH CAT SHAWDOW!!! :( then acron goes on a amasing jorney 2 save teh cat (at this paint i wuz talking 2 janey and she was all “TOLD U IT WUZ AMAZING”) an… i dun wanna spoil teh ending like what if otter kids r reading it????? (a/u mai lips are sealed on et + ) so if u wanny read dis book go ride ahead. i D it and i wonna say thnx Dirk and Jarn 4 maeking me read this
16 January 2012